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CR3002 Caterpillar D3/D3B Dozer Top Carrier Roller

  • Part ID CR3002

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FITS 450H SN 890118-UP Model: D3B Item Weight: 36.30 Set Quantity: 2 PRODUCT SUMMARY D3-3B TCR ASSY SHAFT DIAMETER OF 1.625 1 5/8" REPLACES 05080003 ON 450G WITH LATER STAND. Construction Parts PNW LIMITED UNDERCARRIAGE WARRANTY Construction Parts PNW warranty covers only new parts sold by Construction Parts PNW, which are correctly installed and used in a normal operation. Coverage is limited to the first 4000 hours of service or three years from purchase or 100% worn, whichever comes first. Adjustment is determined pro-rata based on the measurement of key components or ratio of service life received. Pro-rata value is at Construction Parts PNW's determination. Adjustments for premature dry joints in oil lubricated chain is limited to the failed parts replaced. Tracks with wide shoes have the normal warranty adjustment reduced by 50%. Crawler skidder, forestry applications and other non-traditional use equipment have the normal warranty adjustment reduced by 50%. Excavator track link assemblies that are seized due to periods of inactivity in high moisture environments are not considered as product defects and therefore not eligible for warranty.   Product coverage is for:Components and assemblies of crawler rollers, idlers, sprockets, chain, shoes and fasteners.Seal leakage in SALT chains, rollers and idlers groups.Abnormal breakage of components.
Weight: 36.20 LBS